Service capability includes the ability to cooperate, advise and consult regarding equipment investments, performance optimization and potential areas of savings.
The objective of Consultancy Service management is to solve a difficult equation: how to achieve increasingly better results with increasingly scarce resources.
- Power market design and analysis
- Rules for dispatch and system operation
- Opportunities for electricity balancing and ancillary services
- Facilitation of renewable energy integration
- Strategic planning and investment decisions
- Quantitative electricity market segment analysis
- Analysis of electricity and network tariff structures
- Functioning of the global power market and best practices
Whatever is needed to secure the deal?
- deal structuring
- feasibility reports
- technology comparative analysis
- market analysis
- life cycle cost analysis
- site selection
- Project Agreements
If expected and actual results do not match up, there is a performance issue. A performance issue can only be solved by optimizing performance. Optimization means achieving efficiency in all areas – in improved output, in lower fuel costs, and in reduced maintenance requirements.
What measures can be taken to improve efficiency without undermining the quality and reliability of operations.
We offers multiple years of experience in providing specialized objective advice for your power needs with the aim of maximizing growth and improved plant performance.
The team provides policy, planning and investment decision expertise to help you make complex energy asset decisions while reducing potential risks.
Performance Optimization
Where to invest, where to save?
Investing in systems, solutions and new technologies can improve performance, while savings can be achieved through systems integration and replacing inefficient components. Knowing where to invest and where to save is a key factor in strategies geared towards optimization. Performance management and operational efficiency pay dividends quickly. They correlate directly and immediately to improved business results, as optimized performance reduce costs and improves revenues.
Customer level value proposition
How to reduce operational expenses?
Cooperating with the right partners is an essential component of performance management. Optimizing performance and reducing operational expenses involve a number of critical factors. Amongst these are the costs in terms of time, efficiency and reliability, of obtaining service labour and parts. A company that is capable of intelligent networking can in fact increase both its allocative and technical efficiency by choosing the right partner. When a single service partner has the capability to provide everything needed, these costs are significantly lowered. One-stop shopping saves money and eliminates many problems.
How to ensure optimal operating costs and optimal performance?
Performance optimization requires strategic decisions. Properly dimensioned long-term strategies to improve productivity enhance business efficiency and reduce operational costs. Performance management is the key to optimizing performance. Balancing the risks of any operation against the anticipated return gains is important in any business. In equipment operating it is essential to know the options and to seek expert advice on what will produce the optimized outcome.
To achieve the lowest possible total costs, all equipment and systems should be in optimal operating condition. When all systems are operating at optimal efficiency, and operational performance has been maximized, the overall cost savings to the business can be significant. This is the overriding goal of optimization efforts. By knowing and fully understanding the operating equipment and procedures, it is possible to increase efficiencies and lower costs.
How to optimize maintenance and repair costs?
The unexpected can be expensive. When time is critical and options are few, costs can rapidly climb. Preventive maintenance, through either service agreements or diagnostic technology that can warm of likely failures before they happen, is the best means of making costs predictable. At the same time, by having operations running at optimal levels, cost efficiencies can be found and maintained.
What are the biggest challenges in daily operations?
When the unexpected occurs – a sudden breakdown, a system malfunction, and the need for an unscheduled overhaul – operations are put at risk. Therefore, maintaining reliable, continuous performance is essential. Operational certainty is a vital element in maintaining a successful business.
How to ensure operational reliability and reduce operational risk?
Every business faces various risks that can potentially threaten profitability, and even the company’s viability. Understanding and managing risk is, therefore, essential. An unexpected interruption to normal operations is certainly one such risk that can jeopardise the company’s well-being. Having a trusted service partner, always available, always reliable, wherever, whenever, helps reduce and manage that risk.